The Works

The Works


Practice popular OSCE stations in the same format as the national exams with a physician associate with a minimum of 3 years post qualification experience

Feedback from a National OSCE examiner on how you are doing

✅ Access to our exclusive PA student slack channel, for a chance to get involved in free OSCE practice & network with other PA students who are sitting the same exams as you

The Works Includes:

➡️ 30 Minute Strategy Session 

  • Previous OSCE station analysis if you’re resitting

  • Study & Revision Analysis

➡️Personalized plan, right up until your OSCEs 

  • Based on your availability we’ll create your revision plan for you.

➡️ 10 one to one sessions with an experienced OSCE examiner 

  • Practice popular OSCE stations, in the same style as the PANE

  • Receive verbal & written feedback

➡️OSCE Station Bank

  • Access our Bank of OSCE scenarios we recommend to practice

➡️ Your very own registered physician associate mentor, available to answer any questions you have about your OSCEs via Slack

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