The OSCE Course

A 2-day intensive revision course to help prepare for your university & national OSCEs

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“I passed my national OSCE on my 3rd attempt. With a lack of support, it was one of the most stressful times of my life. I created the OSCE course so PA students don’t have to go through what I did, to provide an opportunity to not only feel supported, but also make sure they are aware of the standards that are expected of them, without having to spend hundreds on resits

⏤ Sofia Hiramatsu
Co-Founder of Matrix Education


Our 2-day OSCE Course

Get the theory down

Covering all theoretical aspects of your OSCE including management, breaking bad news, presenting complaints and understanding of what is required of a safe practitioner. Easy-to-understand explanations backed by examples of real-life situations by our qualified PAs. You will have the chance to ask questions, get tips, and advice while sitting through example scenarios, to discuss what to watch out for as a group.

Get stuck in

Applying the theory into practice, get hands-on and work with our partner Meducate who have over 10 years of experience teaching clinicians to dramatically improve your OSCE competency and further develop your consultation and examination skills. In addition, you will have the chance to utilise our tailored mark schemes to test others for you to gain an insight into how examiners at the OSCE may examine you.

Put it all to the test

Sit through various simulated timed, exam like stations, marked by qualified PAs using our mark schemes approved by GPs that are fully updated to current guidance. You will receive comprehensive feedback on what you need to improve after the exam, with the marks for you to further improve your weaknesses after the course.

 2023 Dates

Birmingham 26th - 27th August


Check out Gabriel’s review of our course 👇 (not sponsored!)


Our Blueprint

  • Focused history taking

    Information giving 

    Motivational interviewing

    Shared decision making 

    Breaking Bad news

    Dealing with conflict

    Telephone communication

  • Vital Signs /EWS Score

    Cardiovascular examination

    Ear examination

    Respiratory examination

    Abdominal examination

    Thyroid examination

    Musculoskeletal examinations  - Spine, Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Wrist

    Upper & Lower Limb Neurology examinations 

    Diabetic Foot examination

    Cranial nerve examination

    New addition: Breast Examination (depending on female ACE availability)

  • Basic Life Support

    BLS in childhood/choking

    Intermediate Life support 

    Airway management including applying oxygen and nebulisers

    ABCDE approach to a sick patient

    Initial seizure management Recognition and reversal of overdose e.g. opiates

    Sepsis management

    Fluid resuscitation

  • Urinalysis and interpretation

    IM injection/ SC injection



    Peak flow 

    Capillary blood glucose

    Suturing & Wound care 

In Addition:

Practice with Associate Clinical Educators (professionals who have been trained specifically to help PAs improve their OSCE performance)

Teaching from Qualified Physician Associates who have sat and passed the FPA national examinations

Timed testing and feedback to assess and improve your weaknesses

Limited spaces per course to maximize each individual’s experience & quality of practice

Tips & Tricks that you may not be taught at your university program

All content from the course including tailor-made mark schemes for a multitude of OSCE stations

Access our exclusive PA student slack channel, for a chance to get involved in free OSCE practice workshops & network with other PA students who are sitting the same exams as you



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